
The Itsy-Bitsy Teeny-Weeny Bikini Challenge
We challenge you this month to sew your version of this iconic swimwear that first made a splash, back in the late 50s and early 60's. To give you an idea of evolution of swimwear, here's a great video on the history of swimwear (be aware…

The What’s holding her up? Challenge
In June we are looking at every woman's version of the Holy Grail- a bra that will hold her up in a strapless dress and make her look her best. The strapless bra first announced its appearance in the late 1940s and it has been the unsung hero…

Petticoat Junction Challenge
In May, according to our theme of Hindsight is 2020, we look back to the era of the petticoat and its little sister - the slip. Their hey-day was from the 1800s right up until the 1980s. You can make petticoats, slips, camisoles, even bra slips…

100-year-old Underwear Challenge Entries
We challenged you to sew underwear using inspiration from the last 100 years (or the next 100). With our opportunity this month to stay at home and sew, many of you now have 100 minute-old underwear! Here are the entries to last month's challenge.

Waspies & Waist Trimmers Challenge
Keep trim in a Waspie. What's a waspie, you may ask? Think of a waist cincher, which could be as simple as a glorified wide belt to a full on under-the-bust-and-down-to-the-hips-waist-cincher-with-garter-clips-to-hold-up-your-stockings creation.…

Bullet Bra Challenge Entries
Our first bra-makers challenge of 2020 is to re-create the iconic Bullet bra of the 40s and 50s. With its distinctive cone-shaped cups and circular stitching, it was "the" bra for any sweater girl of the time. We challenged you to re-create…

100-year-old Underwear Challenge
Underwear has not been around forever. The first underwear you might recall might be what is affectionately known as "granny panties". This month, we celebrate 100 years of underwear! Whether you make thongs, g-strings, granny panties or even…

The Baby Doll Challenge
Oh, what a night! Late December 1963... Remember the 1960's where Baby Dolls were on every teenager's pajama wish list? Here's your chance to re-make that iconic nightwear look in today's fabrics and today's patterns.
We challenge you to…

How to make a Bullet Bra
If you are under the age of 40, you can be forgiven for not knowing what a Bullet Bra was (and is). After all, its heyday was in the late 40s and 50s. Those of us, of a certain age, however, will know exactly what we mean by a Bullet Bra.…

The Bullet Bra Challenge
Our first bra-makers challenge of 2020 is to re-create the iconic Bullet bra of the 40s and 50s. With its distinctive cone shaped cups and circular stitching, it was "the" bra for any sweater girl of the times. We challenge you to re-create…

The 2020 Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge
Have you enjoyed the Challenges we've presented over the last few years? Well, here we are again with a whole new set of challenges for 2020. Our theme this year is "Hindsight is 2020". The year 2020 is full of promise, but this is our year…