
100-year-old Underwear Challenge Entries
We challenged you to sew underwear using inspiration from the last 100 years (or the next 100). With our opportunity this month to stay at home and sew, many of you now have 100 minute-old underwear! Here are the entries to last month's challenge.

Let’s Make Banded Panties!
How about we buck tradition and NOT use elastic when making panties? It is possible, you know, as long as you substitute bands made from elastic fabric for the usual elastic around the legs and waist. Let's make banded panties - it's easy once…

100-year-old Underwear Challenge
Underwear has not been around forever. The first underwear you might recall might be what is affectionately known as "granny panties". This month, we celebrate 100 years of underwear! Whether you make thongs, g-strings, granny panties or even…

How to make Hemless Boyshorts
Someone told me recently that some women didn't make their own underwear, because they felt the leg elastics would show as a panty line under clothes. This shocked me for two reasons 1. Who wouldn't want to make their own underwear? and 2. the…

How to make lace edged underwear
Confession time....the problem I have with store-bought underwear is the elastic at the legs. It's got a stranglehold on my legs it seems, especially when I am sitting at the computer. To express it as a town from an Agatha Christie novel...Much-binding-in-the-groin.…

National Underwear Day
National Underwear Day
Friday August 5th is National Underwear Day! If you’re like me, your mother warned you to always wear clean underwear in case you were “in an accident!”. The thought of having strangers having to remove your…