
Be Manly for Movember Challenge Entries
You welcomed Movember (the men's month) by making menswear. So many women wrote to say they use men's patterns for themselves! This month was about creating menswear...OR using a menswear pattern to create something for a woman. Let's…

Fall into Fashion Bra-makers Challenge Entries
Did you "fall" for a gorgeous look from ready to wear, but wanted it to fit your body? many of you did and re-created the look for yourself by cloning or copying a ready-to-wear look. Be ready to be inspired by our fall into Fashion Bra-makers…

Be Manly for Movember Challenge
Once again, we welcome Movember (the men's month) by making some menswear. in 2018, we released a pattern for a men's tank top. So many women wrote to say they used that pattern for themselves! This month is about creating menswear...OR using…

Fall into Fashion Bra-makers Challenge
Have you "fallen" for a gorgeous look from ready to wear, but want it to fit your body? This challenge is about "falling" for fashion and re-creating the look for yourself by cloning or copying a ready-to-wear look. Be ready to be inspired!…