
Lost and Found in Denver
Well, here I am in Denver! I just finished filming TWO new classes for Craftsy, plus I stayed over the weekend for the first ever Instructor Summit. There is so much going on here, but first, let me tell you how I got both Lost and Found in…

Guess who’s coming to dinner?
I am in Denver this week filming two new Classes for Craftsy, and during a break, much to my surprise, someone recognized my name as having written articles for Threads magazine. Wow, what a memory! It should come as no surprise that this was…

Far, far away – the return to Oz
Here I am back in beautiful Denver, Colorado for a few days. It's like the Return to Oz for me! I assumed the weather would be much colder than ours but I was pleasantly surprised. It is mild (for winter weather) and I may not have to wear…

Far, far away – ready for my close up
I am in Denver this week working on a very exciting project. I submitted proposals to Craftsy last year, but when they called while I was Sweden to ask if I could film a class, I was overjoyed! But as the time got closer, I was worried...was…