
Boob Camp September 2016

Boob Camp September 2016 is over and we are posting as usual, the Digital fashion Show of the week's creations. But, let me also show you what else we did this week in our bra-making adventures! Boob Camp week always starts out with the students…

American Bra-making Convention

The class schedule for the very first American Bra-making Convention has been finalized and I am proud to share it with you! The convention will be held in beautiful Salt Lake City! I am thrilled to be going there with our American distributor,…

How is a Bra like a Slipcover?

How is a Bra like a Slipcover? In other words, what do a bra and a slipcover have in common? 1. They are both expected to fit over a curved and shapely surface. The skill needed to cover a curved surface in fabric is needed to make both bras…

Swim Masters Digital Fashion Show

Today's the day for the Swim Masters digital fashion show. The Swim Masters class is a 5 day class for students who already know how to make swimwear, so it truly is a class in which you can master swimwear. I often hear "why does it take  5…