
Breast’s Friends Challenge Entries

October's Ultimate bra-making Challenge was about being a Breast's Friend. We asked you to create a bra or a prosthesis for someone who has survived breast conserving surgery. Many of you told us that even though you personally did not know…

A Pocket for Ingrid

One of the things women love about our new Ingrid bra pattern is that it is so versatile. We designed it as an everyday, wireless bra for the larger sizes, but apparently it can be used for much more than that. Women have turned that pattern…

A Peek Inside a Mastectomy Bra

It wasn't so many years ago, that mastectomy bras were a lingerie store's "shameful little secret", secreted away in a back corner. Linda Crawford of Uplift Custom Bras tells of a client of hers who, once she asked for a mastectomy bra, was…

How to Draft a Mastectomy Pocket

October is Breast Cancer Month. Every year, breast cancer claims the life or the well-being of someone we know. Studies indicate that 1 in 4 women are affected by breast cancer in some way. But is there something we can do for those women who…

Do-it-yourself Breast Form

Do-it-yourself Breast Form After my rant yesterday, I thought I would share with you how to make a do-it-yourself breast form for yourself or someone you  care about. These breast forms are washable as well as being as light as you want them…
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Foam Cup Pockets? – Yes, you can!

Foam Cup Pockets? - Yes, you can! In our Boob Camp this week, we have a student who has had a mastectomy. This is good thing, as all the other students in this class get to see how we put pockets in a bra ( which is useful information for any…

Rant of the week – Men Buy Better Breasts

Rant of the Week - Men Buy Better Breasts I am on a rant today. I have a student in my Boob Camp this week who has had a mastectomy, and she cannot afford to buy a prosthesis. What's a prosthesis? Commonly known as a breast form, a breast…