Open House at the Enchanted Castle!
Considering I was an absolute “wreck” the week before, our Open House at the Enchanted Castle Saturday June 25th turned out to be the most fun I’ve had in a looong time! Why do I call it the Enchanted Castle? What else would you call the place where the Magic of Bra-making happens? What was making me crazy was the amount of prep time that goes into an event but I’ve had other things on my plate as well, such as….
- prepping for a Crafty class in three weeks
- taking photos to upgrade the website
- taking care of entries in the photo contest (there were a LOT!)
- announcing the winners of that same contest
- getting ready for the open House
- writing blog posts ahead
- writing newsletters ahead
- oh yes, almost forgot…renovations going on at my house!

Isn’t Anyone Coming?

Hmmm…wonder what’s in it?

Here’s a short video I made of some of the people at the event. This was toward the end as the women were starting to leave. We had between 30 and 35 in attendance but it was hard to count women while they were moving around! I did try to do Facebook Live, but I couldn’t get it to work . Note to self…try the technology out before the day!
You might be wondering …WHY the Open House at the Enchanted Castle? Three HUGE reasons
- June 2016 marks the start of our 20th year of business at Bra-makers Supply. Yes, someday…. I’ll tell you a story about how BMS started while I was in the hospital on morphine!
- June 2016 marks the 2 year anniversary of the Facebook Group, Bra-makers – Beginner to Intermediate, called BB2I for short. Actually it was Donna from BB2I who nudged me to have this Meet Up for the Bra-makers in this area!
- i just wanted to have a party with bra cookies and pink lemonade, with bra-making friends!
Goody Bags?
Meanwhile, in Salt Lake City…Camille from Sweet Cups Bra Supply was also having a Meet Up at the Doubletree Hotel. While it wasn’t “quite” an Enchanted Castle, there was still magic happening! She has a short video on the BB2I Facebook Page, so if you want to see Camille (and the new baby) and the other bra-makers in SLC, be sure to scroll down to view that video! You just might want to join that Facebook group – you will find lots of good bra-making advice and inspiration there!
So just what was in that Goody Bag? We had short rulers and tape measures made just for our special guests and we put it in the gift bag along with our signature pink pen!
So our very first Open House at the Enchanted Castle was a huge success, thanks to everyone who attended. Special thanks to my SUPER staff of hard working ladies, who loved meeting all of you! What do you think…should we do this every year? (hint, hint!)
You'll have to let us know when you are available!
Yes please do this again, when I'm not working. I would love to have gotten one of those adorable tape measures!