Let the New You Shine Through!
You have almost finished the Ultimate Bra Challenge for this year. It's been lots of fun and some of you entered each and every month. It's been a great way to challenge yourself with new skills and sewing outside your comfort zone. You've become…

Support Your Man!
November is known as "Movember" here in Canada. In Movember, thousands of men join the movement to grow a moustache (also called a "mo") during the month to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Even men who never wear facial hair, let it…

Be a Breast’s Friend!
The alarming statistics show that the life of every woman, young or old is affected by breast cancer in some way. It may be your best friend, your mother, sister or even your daughter. It may even be you. October is Breast Cancer month and…

Dancing Queen!
When I think of September, I think of school starting up again. But for many mothers, it is also the time when Dance School starts again. So what better way to challenge ourselves in September but with a theme of Dancing Queen? I'm going to…

Lacey Days of Summer!
Ah, summer! I remember the song from the 60s...those Lacey Days of Summer....What? Are you saying those were not the words? No matter, our challenge in August is to make intimate apparel from lace. Doesn't sound like much of a challenge, does…

Your Birthday Suit!
When someone suggests to you that you "wear your birthday suit" what do you think they are suggesting? That's right - they are asking you to get naked! But this challenge is not about that at all (good heavens...NO!) We are asking you to work…

Take Pride!
In June, we take pride in a group that is often overlooked. That's people with "other" sexual orientations, including the gay, lesbian and bi-sexual community. (Honestly, I don't care who anyone sleeps with, as long as they can sew!) But…

Shape Up for Summer
How would you shape up for summer? Some would be exercising, or gardening. That's not what this challenge is about. Last month's challenge was all about activewear so we can't use that theme again. The month before that, we did swimwear, so…

Hop to it!
Have you entered our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge yet? Well, ladies, hop to it! Our challenge for April is to use an activewear pattern and make it using performance fabrics such as Maxine, Supplex, Wickable fabrics or Active Cotton. You can…

Spring Splash
Are you thinking about your next great design for our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge? We are too! In February, we challenged you to work with red stretch satin - a fabric many of you had never sewn before. Your entries were amazing! This month…

Love Yourself
Hello again, my Fairy Bra Children - are you ready for February? Get thinking about your next great design for our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge. This month, we are challenging you to make undergarments using the "Love Yourself" theme. We…

Colour of the Year
Hello, Bra-makers of the world - are you ready for a great challenge? Fill your bobbins and clear your cutting table for our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge. This month, for our kick-off, we are challenging you to make a garment using the Colour…

Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge
Everyone wants to improve their bra-making skills, right? How can you do that on your own? One way is to challenge yourself each month with a new fabric you've never sewn before, or a pattern you've never made before. You'll learn techniques…

Interview with Beverly Johnson – Gracious Threads
One of the most exciting part of being part of the Canada Cups blog tour has been the opportunity to get to know one of the biggest names in the hand sewn bra business. I had an interview with Beverly Johnson" ...Gracious Threads

The Canada Cups Cross Your Heart Relay
The Canada Cups - Cross Your Heart Relay
Would you like me to wave my magic wand and send you on a trip across Canada? You would? How about a magical trip where you also be learning all about making your own intimate apparel? Are you in?…

Bra-maker teaches how to create a perfect fit
Bra-maker teaches how to create a perfect fit
I don't know how I missed this interview by the Canadian Press on You Tube entitled "Bra-maker teaches how to create a perfect fit"! But there may be some students (and staff!) you may recogniz…

On the job with a bra-making instructor
A second video made by the Canadian Press, called "on the job with a bra-making instructor" and again, I totally missed it on You Tube!
Students Holly, Sophie, Julia, Jessie and Adrienne to name just a few, and our own staff member, Rebecca.…

On the (not so) Silver Screen
Now available on the Silver Screen nearest you (that means your monitor!) Your Fairy Bra Mother has "officially" launched her very own You Tube Channel! Talk about someone who has come kicking and screaming into the world of Social Media...for…