Far far Away – Corset Building
The Saskatchewan Stitches Conference is drawing to an end, but our corset building class is just beginning. We have a small but enthusiastic class of corset builders. Corsets have gained some recent popularity as a garment to wear on the outside,…

Day 7 – Making cheesecloth into water
Today was the second and last day of the landscape class taught by Heather Grover. Yesterday I got my layout of the waterfall done, more or less. Today I started adding textures and shadows.Look at how layers of tulle over any fabric can simulate…

Day 6 1/2 – Landscape layout
I am taking a class this afternoon at SSC! This is a first for me. The class is called Landscape Quilting, and although I am not planning a quilt by any means, one certainly could incorporate all these elements into their quilting projects.The…

Far Far Away – Shelley Digital Fashion Show
When students finish their Shelley bras, it's time for the Shelley Digital Fashion Show. Shelley is my designer bra with a split lower cup, a power bar on the side for push-ahead support, and a lace upper cup. Shelley always looks great…

Day 5 – When the lights went out
Today was the first day of out Shelley class and they won't be finished until tomorrow, so I won't have photos of any Shelley's until then. However an interesting thing happened tonight.Tonight was my night as the "live entertainment" part of…

Day 3 – Things to do on a Convict Ship
We started another bra class today at the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference in the tiny hamlet of Muenster. The town is home to a monastery where, each spring, hundreds of enthusiasts of sewing, quilting, knitting and other needle arts gather…

Far, far away – Day 1 SSC
Today was the first day of the first bra class at the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference (SSC). The class didn't finish their bras but that's not at all unusual. Tomorrow they will finishIn the evenings, we always have some great group activities.…

Far,far, away – first day at St. Peter’s
Yesterday was a day of firsts for me.First, I was denied access to my flight out of our local airport because I was five minutes beyond the 45 minute boarding time cut off. Five minutes! For "safety" reasons, they said they could not let…

Saskatchewan Stitches!
If you have been reading this blog, you may remember that every year I go to the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference, which is held in a most unusual location - a monastery! Yes, a real monastery in downtown ( I am kidding!) Muenster, where the…

Countdown to Monastic Life
In 10 days, I will be leaving for my annual migration to the lovely rural hamlet of Muenster, Saskatchewan. There will be a surge in population that the town has come to expect at this time of year. Like the annual migration of mallard…

Taipei shopping experience
My last evening with the students ended on a high note, indeed. Vanessa very kindly offered to take me to the famous dumpling place in downtown Taipei for an authentic Taiwan upper class experience.Here is the Taiwan 101, which is the World.…

Taipei’s Night Market
Last night, the teachers and students "conspired" to take me to the famous Night Market. This is a market that only starts up at 6 pm and carries on until midnight, each night.It is a very popular place for locals and tourists alike, and I can…

Teaching in Taipei
I was invited to teach Bra Design & Draft at Shih Chien University in Taipei and I have been here for a week. I had no idea of what to expect - I was only told they were fourth year students. Also, two of the pattern drafting…

Move over Ottawa Street!
I have been very proud of the fact that Hamilton's Ottawa Street was named Canada's top shopping street, due partly to the abundance of fabric and antique shops within a few short city blocks. Yes, I counted 13 fabric shops between Barton and…

To market, to market #1
Yesterday was a great day. Even though I am still screwed up over the time difference, I wanted to post the pictures I took .First after breakfast, I took some pictures of our very quiet street in front of the hotel. I expected the noise of…

I have arrived!
When I say, I have arrived, I mean that in both the literal and the figurative senses of the word. After 3 flights ( Toronto to Detroit, Detroit to Tokyo and lastly Tokyo to Taiwan) almost 18 hours in the air...I have arrived.After picking up…

Last minute stitchin’
Just finished my last minute sewing before my trip to Taiwan. I hemmed my new pants and sewed the pockets shut ( I always do that). I also put a clip on my airplane pillow so I can keep it fastened around my tote bag or suitcase. Also around…

Countdown to Taiwan
This is it...the final days in Canada before I leave for Taiwan! Why am I going, you may ask? Is it abuying trip - no, although I won't completely rule out the possibility of going to the lace and fabric markets over there!pleasure…