Behind the Scenes at Nancy’s Notions
One of my fondest memories was of my mom and I stopping for our lunch at work, then taking some time afterward to watch Sewing with Nancy on public television. That was one of few sewing shows available to us on the east coast of Canada and…

Lingerie, Lace and Latex Tour
How would you like a trip to Europe? Of course, you do! Even better - how would you like a trip that embraces the things you love - like Lingerie, Lace and ...(maybe) even Latex? Hmmm? We are offering (in conjunction with Triple M Tours) the…

The Mother of all Lace Stores
While we were in Amsterdam with the European Lingerie Tour (I wrote posts about each stop in London, Paris and Amsterdam), we made a stop to what must be the Mother of all Lace Stores. Yes, ladies, we went to Kantjeboord, in Amsterdam. I did…

European Lingerie Tour Amsterdam
The European Lingerie Tour Amsterdam, hosted by Mrs. Weaver and Triple M Tours had us travel by train to the wonderful city of Amsterdam, where canals and bicycles are the norm. The city is famous for many things and we did our best to see…

European Lingerie Tour Paris
On to our second city in the tour - here is the European Lingerie Tour Paris Edition! Along with Mrs. Weaver and our energetic band of 20, we left London and travelled via the "Chunnel" (the train tunnel under the English Channel) then overland…

European Lingerie Tour London
I just got back from the European Lingerie Tour 2017 hosted by Mrs. Weaver and Triple M Tours and what a time we had! An amazing group of 20 women (and one gentleman) in three iconic cities full of lingerie. We had classes, tours and lots…

Canada Cups Posts for Saturday
Canada Cups Posts for Saturday
Here are the links to the Canada Cups posts for Saturday September 17. I hope you have been enjoying the tour and you haven't missed a single one of them! Today's posts are the last posts, but tomorrow we…

14 years of Monastic Bra-making
14 years of Monastic Bra-making
Since 2002, I've been teaching at the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference in Muenster. This unusual conference is Saskatchewan's Best Kept Secret. But that's OK. The 350 women who do know are happy to have it all…

A SPIRITed day
Today we spent a day touring Barcelona, and what a spirited day it was! Not one but two basilicas were on our list of must-see places here and they did not disappoint. First was the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia in the Gothic Quarter.…

A Tapas Tour
Our first day in beautiful Barcelona with our group of bra-makers. We joined some of the people from the quilting group to go on a tapas tour. Can you spot Rebecca, Margaret, Yolande and Denise in this picture?
What's that, you…

Kwantlen Polytechnic
Kwantlen Polytechnic
I've spent the week here at Kwantlen Polytechnic University teaching the next generation of designers hoping to work in the intimate apparel industry after graduation. And while I can't complain about the winter we've…

American Bra-making Convention
The class schedule for the very first American Bra-making Convention has been finalized and I am proud to share it with you! The convention will be held in beautiful Salt Lake City! I am thrilled to be going there with our American distributor,…

Lost and Found in Denver
Well, here I am in Denver! I just finished filming TWO new classes for Craftsy, plus I stayed over the weekend for the first ever Instructor Summit. There is so much going on here, but first, let me tell you how I got both Lost and Found in…

Guess who’s coming to dinner?
I am in Denver this week filming two new Classes for Craftsy, and during a break, much to my surprise, someone recognized my name as having written articles for Threads magazine. Wow, what a memory! It should come as no surprise that this was…

Grabbing life by the Bells
I am back at St. Peter's Abbey for the 13th annual Saskatchewan Stitches Conference, a wonderful retreat for those whose live to knit, sew and quilt. This is my room again this year...I see they redecorated my room with new textiles! Our daily…

Bra Summit Give-away!
As I prepare to go once again to beautiful Stockholm to the 3rd Annual European Bra Summit, I have some news about a Bra Summit Give-away! If you book your classes before June 6, your name will automatically be entered in the Early Bird Bra…

Stockholm in Summer, Anyone?
Stockholm in the summer is one of my favourite places to be and with good reason. Not only is the weather warm (but not sticky) and the people friendly (love that Swedish accent!) but Stockholm (the Venice of the North!) is home to the European…

Bra-makers Ahoy 2016!
Can you believe it is time again! Time once again for the THIRD tri-annual Bra-makers Ahoy cruise. If you haven't cruised with us before, set your sights to March 6-16 as we go to....drum roll here.... the Canary Islands! Yes, we sail on the…

Far, far away – the return to Oz
Here I am back in beautiful Denver, Colorado for a few days. It's like the Return to Oz for me! I assumed the weather would be much colder than ours but I was pleasantly surprised. It is mild (for winter weather) and I may not have to wear…

A Visit to an Enchanted Garden
This weekend the staff had a "work social", and we went to the home of Carl and Joan Konig who own Sew It Was, a most unique collection of antique sewing machines dating back to the mid 1800s. But that is really…

Once Upon a Time and Far Far away – Sew it Was
Once Upon a Time and far far Away - Sew It Was
Today was one of the days that will be held in my memory as a really, really good day. We went to Sew It Was, and in my opinion, anyone who is connected to the needle trades owes themselves a…

Far,far away – home again
My time in the Craftsy studios was an amazing time, and I feel like I have been accepted as part of the Craftsy family! As soon as I let you know the class title and the launch date, I will let you know!In the meantime, I would like to…

Far, far away – ready for my close up
I am in Denver this week working on a very exciting project. I submitted proposals to Craftsy last year, but when they called while I was Sweden to ask if I could film a class, I was overjoyed! But as the time got closer, I was worried...was…

Far far away – A “slight” miscalculation
Today we went to the Vasa Museum. This was my second time there in as many years but this place fascinates me. The Vasa was a ship built in Stockholm which sunk in the harbour on her maiden voyage in 1628.The Vasa was built in the shipyard in…

Far, far away – On stage with ABBA
Today was a sightseeing highlight for me. We went into Stockholm and walked along the street. You can see the agrand Hotel at the left with the flags...temporary home to many rock stars who perform in the city.Here's the Stockholm Theatre along…

Far, far away – classes are over
Classes are finally over but this is always a bittersweet time....I have to say goodbye to my new Friends but yet I know they are going home with new knowledge and hopefully inspiration to make themselves some beautiful bras.We did a class on…

Far far away – Shelley Digital Fashion Show
The Shelley class finished today far far away in Stockholm, with 14 students making my Shelley bra pattern, with a four-piece cup, split lower cup and a built- in power bar. So without further delay, here is the Shelley digital fashion show!

Far, far away – surprise project
Yesterday afternoon we started a project you may not have seen before. That's because I have never posted pictures of any finished garments before today. EVER! But today, you will have the surprise I hinted about a few days ago.The students…

Far, far away – fun with foam
For the last day and a half, the ladies in Stockholm at the 2nd annual European Bra Summit have been making bras with the cups of pre-formed foam. Some call them contour cups, but we call them foam cups. We had five ladies from all over Sweden,…

Far, far away – First class beginners!
The first beginner bra class is over in Stockholm and what a first class group they were! As soon as they settled in yesterday morning, they were eager to sew.The language barrier was not a problem, as their English was WAY better than my Swedish!…

Far, far away – midsummer fun
My first full day in Sweden and it started off with a trip to my favourite Swedish grocery stor - Ica Maxi!Ica Maxi has everything from clothing to groceries and lots of whatever you might want! Apparently, the Ica Maxi in Haninge, which is…

Countdown to Sweden
On Wednesday, I will be leaving for Sweden for 2.5 weeks, where I will be teaching bra classes again this year. If you haven't been to Sweden, here it is, a large part of the country is coastline. I will be in Stockholm, which is the…

Far Far Away – hugs all around
It is hugs all around and pack it up for another year. Sadly, today is the last day of the corset class and the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference. Both are coming to an end this afternoon.
Just after lunch I said good byes to Margaret, Noreen…