Backstage with our Design Team
In keeping with our "We've got your back" theme this month, we'd like to take you back - literally. Would you like to go backstage to see our Design Team? We like to say this is where the magic happens. The Design Studio is where our team makes…

Let the New You Shine Through!
You have almost finished the Ultimate Bra Challenge for this year. It's been lots of fun and some of you entered each and every month. It's been a great way to challenge yourself with new skills and sewing outside your comfort zone. You've become…

Support Your Man!
November is known as "Movember" here in Canada. In Movember, thousands of men join the movement to grow a moustache (also called a "mo") during the month to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Even men who never wear facial hair, let it…

Be a Breast’s Friend!
The alarming statistics show that the life of every woman, young or old is affected by breast cancer in some way. It may be your best friend, your mother, sister or even your daughter. It may even be you. October is Breast Cancer month and…

Why Ruby?
The three newest patterns in the Pin-up Girls collection are Ruby, Sapphire and the soon-to-be-released Amethyst. Since I typically name my patterns after women in my life, and these patterns are clearly named after gemstones, some have asked…

Dancing Queen!
When I think of September, I think of school starting up again. But for many mothers, it is also the time when Dance School starts again. So what better way to challenge ourselves in September but with a theme of Dancing Queen? I'm going to…

Lacey Days of Summer!
Ah, summer! I remember the song from the 60s...those Lacey Days of Summer....What? Are you saying those were not the words? No matter, our challenge in August is to make intimate apparel from lace. Doesn't sound like much of a challenge, does…

Your Birthday Suit!
When someone suggests to you that you "wear your birthday suit" what do you think they are suggesting? That's right - they are asking you to get naked! But this challenge is not about that at all (good heavens...NO!) We are asking you to work…

Take Pride!
In June, we take pride in a group that is often overlooked. That's people with "other" sexual orientations, including the gay, lesbian and bi-sexual community. (Honestly, I don't care who anyone sleeps with, as long as they can sew!) But…

Behind the Scenes at Nancy’s Notions
One of my fondest memories was of my mom and I stopping for our lunch at work, then taking some time afterward to watch Sewing with Nancy on public television. That was one of few sewing shows available to us on the east coast of Canada and…

Shape Up for Summer
How would you shape up for summer? Some would be exercising, or gardening. That's not what this challenge is about. Last month's challenge was all about activewear so we can't use that theme again. The month before that, we did swimwear, so…

Hop to it!
Have you entered our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge yet? Well, ladies, hop to it! Our challenge for April is to use an activewear pattern and make it using performance fabrics such as Maxine, Supplex, Wickable fabrics or Active Cotton. You can…

Spring Splash
Are you thinking about your next great design for our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge? We are too! In February, we challenged you to work with red stretch satin - a fabric many of you had never sewn before. Your entries were amazing! This month…

Love Yourself
Hello again, my Fairy Bra Children - are you ready for February? Get thinking about your next great design for our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge. This month, we are challenging you to make undergarments using the "Love Yourself" theme. We…

Colour of the Year
Hello, Bra-makers of the world - are you ready for a great challenge? Fill your bobbins and clear your cutting table for our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge. This month, for our kick-off, we are challenging you to make a garment using the Colour…

Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge
Everyone wants to improve their bra-making skills, right? How can you do that on your own? One way is to challenge yourself each month with a new fabric you've never sewn before, or a pattern you've never made before. You'll learn techniques…

Tour of the New Store
We are pleased to announce the re-opening of our Grand New Store on Ottawa Street North in Hamilton, Ontario. Your memory is serving you well if you remember that we have been on Ottawa Street for seven years. Our new store is just two doors…

Lingerie, Lace and Latex Tour
How would you like a trip to Europe? Of course, you do! Even better - how would you like a trip that embraces the things you love - like Lingerie, Lace and ...(maybe) even Latex? Hmmm? We are offering (in conjunction with Triple M Tours) the…

When Bra-making meets Quilting
You probably already know that bra-making is not an isolated skill set. We borrow skills from all aspects of the sewing spectrum. But when Bra-making meets Quilting, you just know something special is about to happen. That's exactly what happened when…

The Mother of all Lace Stores
While we were in Amsterdam with the European Lingerie Tour (I wrote posts about each stop in London, Paris and Amsterdam), we made a stop to what must be the Mother of all Lace Stores. Yes, ladies, we went to Kantjeboord, in Amsterdam. I did…

European Lingerie Tour Amsterdam
The European Lingerie Tour Amsterdam, hosted by Mrs. Weaver and Triple M Tours had us travel by train to the wonderful city of Amsterdam, where canals and bicycles are the norm. The city is famous for many things and we did our best to see…

European Lingerie Tour Paris
On to our second city in the tour - here is the European Lingerie Tour Paris Edition! Along with Mrs. Weaver and our energetic band of 20, we left London and travelled via the "Chunnel" (the train tunnel under the English Channel) then overland…

European Lingerie Tour London
I just got back from the European Lingerie Tour 2017 hosted by Mrs. Weaver and Triple M Tours and what a time we had! An amazing group of 20 women (and one gentleman) in three iconic cities full of lingerie. We had classes, tours and lots…

Canada Cups Posts for Saturday
Canada Cups Posts for Saturday
Here are the links to the Canada Cups posts for Saturday September 17. I hope you have been enjoying the tour and you haven't missed a single one of them! Today's posts are the last posts, but tomorrow we…

Interview with Beverly Johnson – Gracious Threads
One of the most exciting part of being part of the Canada Cups blog tour has been the opportunity to get to know one of the biggest names in the hand sewn bra business. I had an interview with Beverly Johnson" ...Gracious Threads

The Canada Cups Cross Your Heart Relay
The Canada Cups - Cross Your Heart Relay
Would you like me to wave my magic wand and send you on a trip across Canada? You would? How about a magical trip where you also be learning all about making your own intimate apparel? Are you in?…

National Underwear Day
National Underwear Day
Friday August 5th is National Underwear Day! If you’re like me, your mother warned you to always wear clean underwear in case you were “in an accident!”. The thought of having strangers having to remove your…

National Get to Know your Customers Day
National Get to Know your Customers Day
The third Thursday of each quarter is National Get to Know Your Customers Day, which means July 21st is all about you! With the advent of the Internet and big box stores, much of the personal attention…

Monday Meme
Monday Meme
I feel the same way...how about you? Do you threaten anyone who dares to use your good fabric scissors? Comment if you know others who feel the same way!
#sewing #fabricscissors #bramakers#bramakersupply #mememonday #…

National Tape Measure Day
National Tape Measure Day
On July 14 measuring twice has extra meaning. It’s National Tape Measure Day. You didn't know? Shame on you! The common Tape Measure elevates to an almost Regal Status on this day.
Alvin J. Fellows of…

Open House at the Enchanted Castle!
Open House at the Enchanted Castle!
Considering I was an absolute "wreck" the week before, our Open House at the Enchanted Castle Saturday June 25th turned out to be the most fun I've had in a looong time! Why do I call it the Enchanted Castle?…

Hooray Pink – National Pink day
Hooray Pink
Thursday June 23, is National Pink Day. I didn't make this up, ladies - it's a real National Day! So Hooray Pink, you are the only colour with a National day of its own! You know I love pink, therefore I am celebrating too by…

14 years of Monastic Bra-making
14 years of Monastic Bra-making
Since 2002, I've been teaching at the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference in Muenster. This unusual conference is Saskatchewan's Best Kept Secret. But that's OK. The 350 women who do know are happy to have it all…