March Challenge Fashion Show
Our theme for our March Challenge was Splash into Spring, for which we asked you to make swimwear of any type, colour or fabric. I can't believe how many of you had never tried making swimwear prior to this month! That's what a challenge is…

February Challenge Fashion Show
For the Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge 2018, we asked you to make intimate apparel from RED stretch satin. You did not disappoint us! Here is our February Challenge Fashion Show! I've tried to keep the entries in first-name alphabetical order.

January Challenge – we have a winner!
I am so pleased to announce in the Ultimate Bra-makers January challenge - we have a winner. (Actually we have 3 winners!) We had a LOT of entries and a hard time making a decision...so we asked you, our wonderful followers and Facebook fans…

Purple Reigns
This January 2018, Purple reigns supreme! Actually, it's Ultra-violet that reigns...but I thought Purple Reigns was a nice play on words (apologies to the late Prince). In any case, our Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge has officially begun, and…

Boob Camp October 2017
We held Boob Camp October 2017 recently and it was a bittersweet time for all of us. It was to be, not only the last Boob Camp in our old building but our last class of the year. We had hoped to be in the new location to have these last few…

Boob Camp August 2017
Here we are again as we finish up another one! These are the makes from Boob Camp August 2017. As you know, we always start off making the basic white Classic bra just to perfect the fit. Then we start playing with colours, fabrics and techniques…

Boob Camp February 2017
Recently we finished Boob Camp February 2017, where students come from all over the world to learn bra-making here at Bra-makers Supply in the heart of the fabric district in Hamilton. We had some wonderful students here with us, including one…

Mardi Bra Contest Winners
This past week we had our annual Mardi Gras Bra week long festivities! Lots of fun for everyone here at Bra-makers Supply, including students in our week long Mardi Bra Boob Camp. We are so pleased to announce our Mardi Bra Contest Winners!…

Boob Camp September 2016
Boob Camp September 2016 is over and we are posting as usual, the Digital fashion Show of the week's creations. But, let me also show you what else we did this week in our bra-making adventures! Boob Camp week always starts out with the students…

Bra-making Contest – and the winner is…
Bra-making Contest - and the winner is...
Wow! I can't believe all the great entries to our first ever Bra-making Contest!. The judges had a really hard time deciding the winners but here they are! Here are the four categories:
best Modified…

Bra-making Contest Entries!
Bra-making Contest Entries!
We have chosen the winners of our first ever digital bra-making contest! And you've certainly outdone yourselves. We've received some amazing photos of some beautiful bras. First I would like to thank everyone who…

Boob Camp June 2016
Boob Camp June 2016
You always know when Boob Camp June 2016 is over because you know our Digital Fashion Show is about to start! A glorious line-up of what our students have made over their 5 days with us at Bra-makers Supply, in the heart…

Swim Week and Master Swim – Digital Fashion Show
We just finished up Swim Week and Master Swim class here in Hamilton. That means it's time for the Digital fashion Show! What a great bunch of swimsuit makers we had this time! In Swim Week, they started with the basics, a tank or princess…

Corset Week Digital Fashion Show
It's our Corset Week Digital Fashion Show once again. Corset Week ended yesterday and you know what that means - you get to see what the students achieved in their exciting week of sewing. We had an unusually small group, but such enthusiasm…

Boob Camp December 2014
Another Boob Camp finished yesterday! This was the last Boob Camp in December 2014 and was a full house. You know what that means - it's time for our Digital Fashion Show!
Usually on the first two days we start off with the basic bra, then…

Digital Fashion Show – Boob Camp August 2014
Boob Camp August 2014 is over! Once again, we present our Digital Fashion Show. This Boob Camp was unusual not because we had "only" two students, and not because they were from opposite ends of the country but because of the sheer VOLUME of…

Boob Camp July 2014 Digital Fashion Show
Not only did Boob Camp July 2014 just finish, but it went back to back with a panty class and a beginner bra class. So our Digital Fashion Show has lots on the runway today! I love Boob Camp. It's a week where you can do what you want in…

Far far away – Shelley Digital Fashion Show
The Shelley class finished today far far away in Stockholm, with 14 students making my Shelley bra pattern, with a four-piece cup, split lower cup and a built- in power bar. So without further delay, here is the Shelley digital fashion show!

Far Far Away – Shelley Digital Fashion Show
When students finish their Shelley bras, it's time for the Shelley Digital Fashion Show. Shelley is my designer bra with a split lower cup, a power bar on the side for push-ahead support, and a lace upper cup. Shelley always looks great…

Boob Camp May 2014 Digital Fashion Show
Boob Camp May 2014 was over yesterday, and while I wander around looking at empty spaces where these wonderful ladies worked so industriously last week, I know they have all gone home with some great new bras, plus all the knowledge they learned…

Swim Masters Digital Fashion Show
Today's the day for the Swim Masters digital fashion show. The Swim Masters class is a 5 day class for students who already know how to make swimwear, so it truly is a class in which you can master swimwear. I often hear "why does it take 5…