Using Lace Edging on the Upper Cup
To use lace edging on the upper cup on the Classic or the Linda Bra patterns, there's a bit of modification you need to do. The Classic and the Linda both have a strap tab extension area on the shoulder side (which is where you attach the strap)…

Blog readers might want to know more about our famous Boob Camps. Yes, Boob Camp! Five days of sewing bras for yourself without the interruptions of your everyday life. No meals to prepare, no dogs/cats/kids/husbands wanting out/in/out/in etc.…

Splitting the Lower Cup
Splitting the lower cup often allows better use of fabric when the quantity is tight. More importantly it allows you to change the DOGS for better support, especially on the heavier or larger breast. It is easy to split the lower cup and it…

If I were stranded on a desert island
Years ago, I worked for a decorative embroidery thread company (Sulky) doing educational seminars all over Canada. I was, in Husqvarna VP of Education Sue Hausmann’s words, an “edu-tainer”. I used to use the phrase, “if I were stranded…

Field trip to Ann’s
Swim Masters has started off well with a field trip to Ann's Fabrics on the second day after all the swim theory on the first day. To say they were impressed with the selection and the prices is a BIT of an under statement! Here are the things…

Find it hard to feed the baby?
You know what they are - those wonderful clips found on the top of commercial nursing bras that allow you to unfasten the outer cup of your nursing bra while still ensuring a firm hold on your baby. No one understands what a precious balancing…

Cut and Sew Foam – Trimmed Foam
Cut and Sew Foam - Trimmed Foam
In the second method of making foam cups, the Cut and Sew Foam Trimmed Foam Method, is a little different than treating the fabric and the foam as one layer and sewing it together. In this method, the fabric…

The Famous Downward Hike
The Famous Downward Hike
The downward hike band is one of the nicest touches you can add for your bra wearing comfort. It is easy and not too time consuming to do, and can be done on both the full and partial band bra patterns without any trouble.…

Altering RTW – Shortening the Band
Sharon, a blog reader writes: "I wear a size 30DD, and even that is too big in the band for me--I actually measure a 28 band. Obviously, it's almost impossible to find a bra that fits. I'm not quite ready in my sewing skills to make my…

Cut and Sew Foam – Lamination
OK, you want to try making your own foam lined cups? Lamination is the simplest one to try. In the Cut and Sew foam lamination method, the fashion fabric and the sheet foam are stuck together and treated as one layer throughout the construction…

Cut and Sew Foam – the fabric
You want a foam cup, but haven’t access to seamless foam cups? You can still have the look by using cut and sew foam fabric. This fabric will make a foam cup that cut and sewn together along the cross cup seam (hence the name cut and sew).…

Seams in your Bra Cup
Seams in your Bra Cup
Unless you have access to seamless pre-formed foam cups - it is very likely that you will use seams in your bra cup to make the fabric fit over the breast. Don’t be disappointed! The very best European bras, such as…

Slide Lock Adjusters
Slide Lock Adjusters
Once upon a time... in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan (now that's a long return address!), a student in one of my bra classes asked me if I carried or could get a strap adjuster that she particularly liked, called Slide Lock…

Tipping Underwires
Tipping Underwires
Did you ever need to cut a wire, only to realize that it’s a lot more work than you bargained for? You need to cut it (no easy task in itself) and then file it to a rounded shape on the tips. Then there's the job of…