Happily Ever After – How to Sew a Nursing Bra
Happily Ever After - How to Sew a Nursing Bra
In this post, I will go through how to sew a nursing bra the construction steps on . In my last post, I showed you how to draft a pattern with the same look as a vintage nursing bra, on that I thought…

Happily Ever After – How to Draft a Vintage Nursing Bra
Happily Ever After - How to Draft a Vintage Nursing Bra
In a earlier post, I showed you the Vintage Nursing Bra in my Once Upon a Time series. In this post, I'll show you how to draft a Vintage nursing bra made of modern bra-making materials,…

Once Upon a Time – Vintage Nursing Bra
Once Upon a Time - the Vintage Nursing Bra
Once upon a time, nursing bras were limited to two choices - take it...or leave it. Or were there other nursing bras we just didn't get to see? Maybe so. A little while back, I found a wonderful…

Once Upon a Time – The White Vintage Bra
The White Vintage Bra
Recently a student brought in a white vintage bra, so we'll take a bit of a breask from the blog posts on Behind the Seams of the Craftsy bras. It is very enlightening to see how far we've come in bra-making, so I appreciate…

Once Upon a Time – Waist Management
Once Upon a Time - Waist Management
Today Judy, Rochelle and I went on a road trip to see an exhibit called Waist Management - a history of unmentionables showing at the Peel Region Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) in Brampton.

Blast to the Past – Slipcovers
Blast to the past
Last week I experienced a blast to the past of my former life. Years ago, I was a drapery and slipcover maker, and when my friend Rochelle heard that, she asked me to "help her" make slipcovers for her hide-a-bed. These…

Once Upon a Time and Far Far away – Sew it Was
Once Upon a Time and far far Away - Sew It Was
Today was one of the days that will be held in my memory as a really, really good day. We went to Sew It Was, and in my opinion, anyone who is connected to the needle trades owes themselves a…

Happily Ever After – Sharon’s Corset
Happily Ever After - Sharon's Corset
My Once Upon a Time posts are geared toward showing some incredible vintage apparel. Happily Ever After is about being inspired by a vintage photograph or garment, and re-creating it in today's fabric. Today's…

Once Upon a Time – 1934 Bra Advertisement
1934 Bra Advertisement
Woohoo! Look what I found - a genuine 1934 bra advertisement - a full page ad from the Montgomery Ward catalogue! (We would call it an "ad" today but our short word comes from the longer word "advertisement") You can…

Once Upon a Time – Overwire Basque
Once Upon a Time - Overwire Basque
Here's a great vintage find - an OVERwire garment (as opposed to an UNDERwire garment) that one of my students brought in to a class. The length goes past the waist to the hips, so is it corset, a basque,…

Once Upon a Time – Vintage Gold Swimsuit
Once Upon a Time - Vintage Gold Swimsuit
Today we had a real treat in the Swim Masters Class. One of my students brought in a vintage gold swimsuit for us to see and examine. Little did she know, that peering into vintage apparel is a passion…