Bust Out the Bras! Bra-making Contest
Announcing our first ever – Bust Out the Bras! Bra-making Contest. The Bust Out the Bras! Bra-making Contest is open to all bra-makers, regardless of experience! It is a DIGITAL contest so no bras will have to be shipped to us. Just photos of a bra you have made in 2016. We will need approximately 10 photos of the bra-making process, perhaps the drafting of a tricky part, or the details of the sewing process that we all love to see, oh yes – definitely the inside of the bra so we can see the bits that make your bra spectacular! At least one bra must be on you (no identifying elements please!) or on a mannequin. We are not looking for the perfect fit (although we would love that too), but design, fabric style and colour as well as sewing excellence will be taken into consideration.

Anyone who has made a bra using materials from Bra-makers Supply or a Pin-up Girls bra pattern. You may have purchase fabrics and supplies elsewhere but if it’s a Pin-up Girls pattern, you can enter. Likewise if you use our materials but used a pattern you drafted or a pattern from another source <gasp!> you can still enter.
Any of the following skill levels can enter the Bust Out the Bras Bra-making Contest. Each skill level will be judged differently than the others
Newbie – those sewing fewer than 5 bras
Amateur – made over 5 bras but only for yourself or close family
Professional – for those who are sewing bras for others
1. Best Original Design – if you started with a draft you did yourself from body measurements, and have the photos of the drafting process to prove it, this is for you.
2. Best Use of Trimmings – if you use crystals, ribbons, ric-rac, beads or other adornments and that’s what you see when you look at the bra, this is the category for you. Submit photos of the original pattern, the bra partway through the trimming process and descriptions of what you used and why.
3. Best Modified Pattern – if your bra looks nothing like the one you started with, this might be the category for you. Submit photos of the pattern modifications and the final bra, inside and out and explain what you did to achieve the results.
4. Best Cut & Sew Foam – do you use cut & sew foam in your bra-making? This is the category you should enter, along with photos and descriptions
We are looking for the creative use of fabrics, laces, elastics and colour as well as the skillful execution of bra sewing techniques. Only bras will be considered, not bodyshapers, swimwear, corsets or the like, just bras. Winners of the Bust Out the Bras Bra-making Contest will be selected based on the photos and descriptions submitted only. Skill levels of Newbies, Amateurs and Professional will be considered in the judging so everyone has an equal and fair chance at the prizes. Please consider the quality of your photography. Good lighting, close-ups of the techniques used and clear pictures will give you the best chance! make sure all photos are identified as yours!
First prize in all categories – $200 gift certificate, or a 5 day class at BMS
Second prize – $100 gift certificate to BMS or a one day class of your choice
Third prize – $50 gift certificate or a book of your choice
This is a digital Bra-making contest only. No actual shipping of entries is necessary or wanted. Please take no more than 10 photos inside and out, in detail of the aspects of the bra, including a photo of the whole bra either on you (no faces please!) or a mannequin. You can assume that some or all of the photos and descriptions will be used on social media to show and teach others about bras-making. You will need to fill out a registration form (see example below) with explanations of the techniques, naming the type of fabric etc and the pattern you used etc. Submit the photos to [email protected]. Contest closes Sunday June 19. All entries and photos will be judged at that time.
Winners of the Bust out the Bras Bra-making contest are chosen based on a point system by a mixture of bra-making and non bra-making judges. Winners will be announced on Saturday June 25th – the day of our Open House (June 25 from 1-3 pm)
please submit photos and this foam to newsletter @bramakers.com
Each bra entered (you can enter up to 4 – 1 in each category) must have its own form
Email address (double check the spelling!)
Phone Number (with Area Code)
Your skill level
Newbie (fewer than 5 bras made and only for yourself)
Skilled Amateur (more than 5 bras sewn but only for yourself or family)
Professional (you sew for others for money)
Name or description of bra (Blue partial band with feather trim, for example)
Category Entered
1. Best Original Design – if you started with a draft you did yourself from body measurements, and have the photos of the drafting process to prove it, this is for you
2. Best Use of Trimmings – if you use crystals, ribbons, ric-rac, beads or other adornments and that’s what you see when you look at the bra, this is the category for you. Submit photos of the original pattern, the bra partway through the trimming process and descriptions of what you used and why.
3. Best Modified Pattern – if your bra looks nothing like the one you started with, this might be the category for you. Submit photos of the pattern modifications and the final bra, inside and out and explain what you did to achieve the results.
4. Best Cut & Sew Foam – do you use cut & sew foam in your bra-making? This is the category you should enter, along with photos and descriptions
Pattern used
Pin-up Girls? If yes, which one
Other? If so, which one?
Fabrics and trimmings used
Techniques used to sew this bra
Enter the Bust out the Bras Bra-making contest today. Contest closes June 19, 2016
No, not at all! Since this is a digital contest you can enter your photos where they will be judged without prejudice as to your location. Should you win any of the prizes, the gift certificate can be used like cash so that could include the cost of shipping as well. If you decide to claim the 5 day class or the one day class, then you would have to arrange airfare and lodging (but the class itself would be free)
Does it matter where you live for claiming the prize (assuming any of my bras are good enough 🙂 )
Yes! There are 4 categories so you can enter up to 4 different bras. One per category and no one bra in more than one category. But enter those 3 bras – you will have a better chance to win a prize!
This is exciting! Can one person enter in multiple categories? In other words, I can see myself fittting into three of your catagories, can I submit three bras?