June is traditionally the month of wedding celebrations all over the world. We challenged you to make bridal lingerie this month. And the sewing began! Let’s look at the wonderful bridal lingerie you made this past month.
Jodi (USA)
This month I made a sweet bridal lingerie set in white, with blue bows so the bride could have her something blue. I used a cloned and altered pattern that I am still perfecting. I used bra tulle in the cups and sheer cup lining for the frames and left the back open, using only elastic. I used galloon lace for the top of the cup and also the panty (similar to one I drafted years ago). I love how delicate it all is!

Christine (Canada)
Here is my Blushing Bridal Challenge Entry.

Rachel (Canada)
My bridal inspired piece… corset created using a combination of my existing corset pattern and my well-fitting Classic bra.

A second entry from Rachel (Canada)
The pattern is from my drafted block, Heather-ish modification. Panties drafted from the Craftsy class, and garter belt “winged it” from the same panty draft. It’s a duoplex lace-covered panel on the front, and power net for the rest. Pull on, with 5 synthetic whalebone stays to stop rolling down.

Christel (the Netherlands)
My submission for June. A strapless bra and panty set. The pattern is made by myself.

Desiree (the Netherlands)
A nighty for a blushing bride!

Cassy (Canada)
This month worked well for me as my neice was married on June 15. A co-worker had bought an interesting bikini top that I wanted to copy and thought it would be perfect as a honeymoon piece. I had to guess at size as my neice was several provinces away and I didn’t see it modeled as she was a little preoccupied…. I’m still pleased with the final version which includes BMS stretch satin and a uniwire.

Virginia (Canada)
Dear Fairy Bra Mother and Fairy Bra Sisters -Thinking of a “bridal trousseau garment” for a non-traditional bride was a challenge. What to make for a feminist who is unconventional, bored by talk about clothes, and the opposite of materialistic? My solution was a “his and hers” set of PUG underwear in the bride’s favourite colour (*Red!*) and in a fabric to please the groom (bamboo knit stretch rayon). Making a memorable gift for a spectacular couple…

Michelle (Canada)
I got this in in the nick of time! I thought what could more perfect for a blushing bride than a blushing pink bra and panty set with some pretty white lace detail. The bra is a modified Ruby, and the panty is self-drafted from Beverly’s Craftsy class.

Roni (Israel)
I almost didn’t get this finished… But here it is! This month I decided to tackle the amethyst pattern. I used a beautiful lace I found and really liked because it’s pink and had the tiniest touches of baby blue (something blue!). It took me three tries before I got the cup size right and then when I did cut into my lace, it was much harder to sew than I expected. Also, I think I don’t have the tension on the elastics perfect as the strap extensions keep getting pulled back. The cups pucker a bit, but it’s barely noticeable. I only need to get the right sized underwires. I’m really happy about how I got all of the lace pieces to perfectly mirror each other. I look forward to making more amethysts in the future!

Louise (Canada)
Here is my blushing bridal challenge. I made a Classic bra with beige sheer cup lining for cups & frame. I added a floating exterior power bar/sling combo in coral stretch lace. Elastics & findings are peach. This was fun!

Sonia (Canada)
Hi Ladies! Here is my entry for Juin, I really thought I would not be able to make it this time but finally here it is! I’m Sonia from Canada, I made this bra for my sister in law… she’s not getting married but who doesn’t like a white lacy bra! I cloned it from a ready to wear bra using the techniques I’ve learned in bra making class! She says thanks Beverly!

Kathleen (USA)
For the Bride: Something Blue, with Lily of the Valley, and lace. It’s a Shelley, with a full band and “curved” lace, as taught in Beverly’s Craftsy class, “Foam, Lace, and Beyond.”

All are lovely entries! Congratulations.
These are all so Beautiful!!
Gorgeous makes!